S.No Name Designation Contact Email
1 Prof. (Dr.) Ashutosh Gupta Principal 01924295060
2 Dr. Narinder Sharma Nodal Officer 9419151116
2 Mr. Vishwa Bandhu Administrative Officer 9419299885
4 Sh. Surjeet Kumar Accounts Officer 7051915424
1 Dr. Karishma Kapoor I/C Medical Superintendent 01924-295180
2 Dr. Sunakshi Shan I/C Deputy Medical Superintendent 01924-295180

Clinical Faculty, GAMC

S.No. Name of Specialist Designation and Deprtment Mobile No.
1 Dr. Shailej Gupta Associate Professor, Panchkarma 9906037733
2 Dr. Sahil Basotra Assistant Professor, Panchkarma 7889699899
3 Dr. Sudesh Gupta Associate Professor, Shalya Tantra 9697122229
4 Dr. Sukrant Sharma Assistant Professor, Shalya Tantra 9779484757
5 Dr. Twinkle Gupta Associate Professor, Kayachikitsa 7006520990
6 Dr. Tanvi Singh Associate Professor, Kayachkitsa 9419171488
7 Dr. Sudheer  Sharma Assistant Professor, Kaumabhritya 9916547403
8 Dr. Ankush Bhardwaj Associate Professor, Shalakya Tantra 9858222755
9 Dr. Amandeep Singh Assistant Professor, Shalakya Tantra 7889629250
10 Dr. Sheetal Associate Professor, Prasuti Tantra 7889611909
11 Dr. Abhishek Magotra Associate Professor, Swasthvritta and Yoga 7006118070
12 Dr. Sheetal Assistant Professor, Swasthvritta and Yoga 9622357474
13 Dr. Rishu Sharma Assistant Professor, Panchkarma 6005391932
14 Dr. Sunakshi Shan Assistant Professor, Shalya Tantra 9797237324
15 Dr. Swati Bala Assistant Professor, Prasuti Tantra & Stri Roga 9149498447